I was so deeply happy when Mollee asked me to take newborn photos of Lexie. I drove to their house on a cold, early December morning and was greeted with perhaps the most bright eyed and alert one week- old I'd ever met. I quickly realized there wouldn't be any "sleepy" shots with this one- she wanted to take everything in.

Eight years later- after her physical body left us very suddenly- I had the honor, again, of witnessing that same sparkly spirit with my camera, to point my lens at the inexplicable and unfathomable and somehow, find the beautiful. We chose that morning to seek her out in the rustle of the trees and intermittent playground giggles, to even catch ourselves smiling at her favorite bright rubber duckies and animal friends dressed in warm sweaters. It was poignantly fitting to honor her nature loving spirit on the Winter Solstice, as those who know and love Lexie and her family gathered to write notes, make pinecone bird feeders, and be in awe of her light. Still.

"If there is no one with you when your soul embarks,
Then I will follow you into the dark."
-Death Cab for Cutie